Colonial Granada – Nicaragua

You are enjoying the wonderful nature of Guanacaste and you are so close to our neighbor, beautiful Nicaragua; why not visiting this enchanting country?

 Drive around Lake Nicaragua, the largest in Central America and enjoy the breathtaking views of its many islands including Ometepe with two volcanoes, one of them is the Conception Volcano, the active volcano rises up to 5313 feet making Ometepe the world’s highest lake island.
Late morning arrival in the colonial city of Granada. Founded in 1524, Granada is one of the oldest cities in the Americas. After the city tour and lunch, the tour continues to the city of Masaya near the active volcano where you can feel and smell it right on the edge of its crater and off course the market; whatever time of the year is, it’s Christmas shopping before returning to your hotel in Costa Rica late into the evening. A long day but worth every minute.

Our Regulars Tours

 Full day, 5:00 am – 11:00 pm 


Bring your passport
